Thursday, September 16, 2010


lifes simple pleasure:

a cup of bbt a day, stroking n hugging reeko(although he doesnt lyk it) but i cant help it, he's lyk the softest toy i nv had. haha... irritating mum n sis everyday until they bekcek. shake leg at work. wasting time on tumblr lyk reading daily newspaper. losing then winning again. a book tt makes me think. being held up in my own world tt recently i feel lyk i lost the ability to communicate which i still cant decide whether it is a good or bad thing. hammering the piano keys out of frustration of not getting it right. i get abit violent when i get bekcek, lyk i used to throw my phone on the wall when wad i really wanna throw is my then bf instead. youtubing songs to dl, recently i fell in love with cantonese songs, esp faye wongs song which sis commented tt 我老了bcos i lyk cantonese songs. although i dun uds the lyrics but i jus lyk it. i dun tink there can b an explaination to why u lyk certain things or someone although they seem awful to others but u can still see some good in all tt bad.

so i tink if you try very hard to find something/someone which you think can make you happy, why dont you stop and look at what you have instead. i hope you know what im talking abt bcos i noe u r falling back and some shit u jus have to let go, u noe, dun let shit get onto you and live your life waiting for shit to happen.